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Some answers you might be on the hunt for. Don’t see an answer for your question? Email with your inquiry.

  • The subconscious makes up about 90% of the mind. It also happens to be where our beliefs, behaviors, habits and memories live. This is why, if you want to make a change, getting your subconscious on board is key. Without it, you may find yourself bumping up against roadblock after road block, or losing motivation, without knowing why.

    So when it comes to embodying your agency and embracing the fullness of who you are, it’s important to work with your subconscious and create positive change there, so that this transformation can ripple out into all aspects of your life. (And hypnotherapy allows you to do that.)


    Address the parts of yourself that you’ve consistently ignored?
    Move away from compartmentalizing and into processing?
    Shift your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors in a more supportive direction?
    Trust your insights and inner wisdom to come through?

    If so, then hypnotherapy is for you.


    You want someone else to provide the answers to your problems.
    You are not ready to process your emotions.
    You are not ready to create change in your life.

  • We’ll begin by discussing your desired outcome—what brought you here and what you’re ready to change.

    Once we’ve agreed on the direction of the session, I’ll guide you into a deeply relaxed state, where you’ll be able to access deep, healing insights from your subconscious.

    The beauty of hypnotherapy is that you are in control of your experience. You determine your desired outcome—I help you get there. You will be responding to my questions throughout the session, so that I can help you navigate the experience that is the most beneficial for you that day.

    You’ll walk away feeling deeply clear and excited about everything that is to come.

  • Sessions are held online, via Zoom. Please find a quiet, private place with a strong Internet connection, where you can be undisturbed for the duration of your session. Many clients enjoy reclining on pillows, a sofa, etc., once the hypnosis begins. In-person sessions are available upon request. Please email for more information.

  • Hypnotherapy invites you to relax the physical body and enter into the theta brainwave state. Theta is one of five natural brainwaves states we oscillate between throughout the day. In this state, you enter into a light trance that bypasses the conscious mind and allows you to receive insight into the essence of who you are—the beliefs that have been running below the surface, the emotions left unprocessed, and the fullness of your potential that has been there all along.

    As your guide along this journey, I will ask questions and offer suggestions in alignment with your unique goals, so that you can maximize your work with the subconscious and create tangible shifts in your life.

  • Hypnotherapy is generally safe and effective for everyone. However, if you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, please consult with your therapist in order to determine of hypnotherapy is appropriate for you.

  • I fully believe that transformation and healing is a lifelong journey. As a result, my services are focused on supporting you in the most sustainable way possible, in long-term containers.

    On occasion, I may offer single sessions. So be sure to get on my email list if you’d like to be notified!